Universal Print-O-Pack based in Baddi, Himachal Pradesh, operates both as a packaging converter and commercial printer. The two-decade-old company recently installed three new postpress machines from Robus India—a HongJing JC1100 PC Advance Folder Gluer, a Dayuan Semi-Automatic Die Punching Machine MHC1100 BL and an HRB Automatic Flute Laminator. The company has also purchased a B0 Size (40” x 56”) 7-color KBA printing machine with coater. Packaging South Asia spoke to Sunil Gupta, partner at Universal Print-O-Pack, to know more about the new installations as well as how the company sees the opportunities in the near future.
Universal Print-O-Pack has traditionally shown a preference for German and Japanese equipment but this time around, it opted for three economical Chinese postpress machines. According to Gupta, “We wanted to look beyond conventional solution providers who could take the challenge to provide customized or tailor-made solutions for our varied needs—something that Robus India managed to fulfill. Such customized converting solutions also need to be economical as in the present scenario it is not advisable to invest big for small solutions. Hence, Robus India worked with us and provided appropriate solutions involving their principals (Chinese OEMs) in the process. For a debt-free company like ours, it was only practical to upgrade the technology without investing a fortune.”
Gupta however clarifies that it was not only the affordability of the equipment that influenced his decision but also Robus India’s strong commitment to after-sales support. “A well laid out written agreement with Robus India and their principals ensured that we would get seamless and consistent after-sales support. What we love about Robus India is their sincere and honest approach towards their work,” says Gupta.
Read Full Article:- Universal Print-O-Pack installs converting equipment from Robus